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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what should i get

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so i got a mision intake about a month ago off ebay brand new for 50 bucks good deal in my mind. but the more i play in it the more i grow to hate it. the way it fits my head sucks major @!$&. so now im looking at new helmets hoping to have better luck. what should i get?

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i had the same problem as u, i couldnt get used to the intake, so i traded that for a brand new rbk helmet, and i love the rbk

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Before I actually opened the thread I was going to recommend the mission intake as I wear an Itech HC100 (very similar shell and padding; mission's LD padding is prettier, but my itech's padding works just fine) and my friend has an intake. They're both very light.

Are you sure you've got the right size intake?

To give actual worth to this post, however, I'll tell you that NBH's new 8500 oval cage is pretty sweet, so If you're looking for a combo, you may want to take a look at the 8500. I know a few people who love their 8000 helmets (predecessor of 8500), and I have the 8500 cage on my itech and it's light and has very good visibility.

Also, you could go for last year's Bauer line, as I'm sure you can find them a bit cheaper since they switched over to the NBH brand name.

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do you think it worth putting a 8500 cage on my 8000 or i should save 50$cnd and stay with my ccm that still fit well?is their a ''major reason'' to switch?

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so i got a mision intake about a month ago off ebay brand new for 50 bucks good deal in my mind. but the more i play in it the more i grow to hate it. the way it fits my head sucks major @!$&. so now im looking at new helmets hoping to have better luck. what should i get?

I'd say go to your LHS and try a bunch of helmets on and get the helmet that fits your head best.

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EDIT: Whoops, look like a few responses got between mine and CobrAA

Do you have any issues with the ccm cage? I'm usually a proponent of "if it ain't broke don't fix it".

I was using a bauer 4000 cage previously, and the 8500 seems to be better all around, but the first thing I noticed was the difference in weight. I really like the trick floating chincup with dri-fit. The oval wire is neat and all, but I don't think it makes all that much differemce for sight. The design of the cage seems better overall from my 4000.

I picked it up for $35US from hockeygiant, but I don't know if they ship to canada, or what they charge for it. (I got free shipping b/c my friend was buying the intake, a cage for himself, and new gloves.) Actually my friend has a CCM X-Ray helmet (1052 I think) and likes his CCM cage better than the Bauer.

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it fit my head good, but it just didnt go down hthe bakck of my head far enough, its hard to explain...

no i no what you mean. it's shorter in the back for some reason.

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is there a certain way a helmet should fit, because i tried on the 8k and the large seemed a little bit too loose and the medium was pretty tight opened up all the way. does anyone know which one would be better?

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is there a certain way a helmet should fit, because i tried on the 8k and the large seemed a little bit too loose and the medium was pretty tight opened up all the way. does anyone know which one would be better?

How about a different helmet? It sounds like it isn't made for your head. No helmet is going to fit everyone correctly, contrary to what some may say in their advertising. I picked up an 8k from one of our members for a good price but it required some modifications to fit me. A few more modifications to increase airflow, and now it's not too bad. My 690 is still way more comfortable though.

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I've always love my bauer 4000. but it all comes down to how the helmet fits the shape of your head. find a store with a good helmet collection and go nuts.

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Bauer 4000 and Bauer 5000 are the best helmets ever made. They both (especially the 5000) have modern technology but both have a classic look. I think they are 4500 and 5500 now.

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