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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX - LS2 ?

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I'm looking to buy a pair of Bauer Vapor XXs (HockeyMonkey), but I don't want the original Lightspeed steel. Have the XXs ever shipped with LS2 steel? I know I could switch it out but that kind of defeats the purpose.

Thanks in advance.

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Is there any warranty on the blades (steel), either new or if they are replacements installed by my lhs?


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ive had 3 pairs of xxs in 4 years. First pair had ls1, last 2 have have ls2. All the ones they made in final year of production was ls2. Go look at the 2005 catalogue if its still there

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when my perf steel broke on my XXs, my LHS installed LS2 solid steel in my regular LS holder. It's in there pretty solidly, and it was only like $45 including installation and sharpening.

It doesn't seem that there's any issues with using LS2 steel in the original LS holder, but maybe I just got lucky. I would just use the perf steel until it breaks (hopefully not in the middle of a game) and replace it then.

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when my perf steel broke on my XXs, my LHS installed LS2 solid steel in my regular LS holder. It's in there pretty solidly, and it was only like $45 including installation and sharpening.

It doesn't seem that there's any issues with using LS2 steel in the original LS holder, but maybe I just got lucky. I would just use the perf steel until it breaks (hopefully not in the middle of a game) and replace it then.

I know this is old, but I broke my ls1 pref steel tonight and only steel available is for ls2 holder. Are they interchangeable? Thanks.

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