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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chk hrd

Bad Boys Tourney

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For the second year in a row big-time hollywood producer Jerry Bruckheim (Pirates of the Carribeian, CSI, Etc, Etc.) had his annual Bad Boys Hockey tourney at our rink. Bruckheim plays league hockey in L.A. and every year gets a bunch of pro's, actors and friends together for a 6 team tourney and alot of partying.

Our rink hosts it with the condition that the kids get to watch. This year there were players like Federov, Robatile, Roenick, Commodore, Emery and actors like Cuba Gooding. Everyone who plays is always glad to spend time with the kids taking pictures, signing autographs or just talking.

My son happened to have a couple of games this weekend while the tourney was going. Robatile and Federov were walking by the kids locker room so I asked if they would give the kids some words of encouragement...both of them did it without a second thought...I can't imagine being 11-12 years old and having great players come in to do that.

One of the best things about most pro hockey players (or most that play hockey) is how down to earth they are.

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I can say that the caps players I have met at training camp have been really humble, and decent. Even Ovechkin last year, didn't understand a damn word, but smiled, nodded shook everyones hand, took pics with the little kids, signed stuff.

I am not sure if its like that around the league, but pre-season camp is always fan friendly and accessible by the caps.

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Not sure about camp, but I used to go to Devs practices when I was a young'un. Even as they got off the ice, they would chat and sign autographs. Hockey is the greatest sport in the world. All the players I have met really care about the fans.

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