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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing chassis from boot...

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Thank you, captain obvious. Just was wondering if there's a best way to do it. I just drilled into the rivets and then punded them out from within the boot, dremmeled them off and pryed the chassis from the boot.

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Yeah, that's more like what i did on the second boot. I pushed the rivets through from inside the boot so that they stood out enough that I could cut the heads off with a dremmel and slide the chassis off.

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I used some pliers to pry the tops of the rivet tabs up from the inside, then it was easier to pull the chassis off without having to cut the rivet heads off.

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I use a punch to push the rivets through, then use pliers to pull them out!

Thats the best home method to get a chassis off Ive found as well....

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I use a punch to push the rivets through, then use pliers to pull them out!

Thats the best home method to get a chassis off Ive found as well....

i agree. I have done it 3 times like that and it is by far the easiest.

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How do you folks remove coppers without specialized tools? I've tried using wire cutting "nippers", filing them down, cutting them with dremel tools... I still haven't found a real efficient technique, though

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I've always filed off the nub at the end with a Dremel using the metal cutting disk. After that I use a metal punch with the correct diameter to "puch" the rest of the rivit through from the outside to the inside of the boot. You can also use the same metal punch tool to get out the other type of rivet by punching them from the inside of the boot then use you "dykes" to pry them through. I also use a vice to hold the chassis in place.

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I literally ripped the coppers off. All the other rivets were out, coppers were only thing holding the chassis on, bent them out enough to dremmel a bit of thema nd they snapped off. Lol.

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