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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Koho curve lie

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does anyone remember the lie on the Koho Jagr, Daze and Amonte?

I have a couple of the koho jagrs at home, will check this evening, if you have not got it by then

that'd be great

thanks :D

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does anyone remember the lie on the Koho Jagr, Daze and Amonte?

I have a couple of the koho jagrs at home, will check this evening, if you have not got it by then

how do you figuer out the lie by yourself?

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does anyone remember the lie on the Koho Jagr, Daze and Amonte?

I have a couple of the koho jagrs at home, will check this evening, if you have not got it by then

how do you figuer out the lie by yourself?

You know what, thats a great point.

Let me revise my answer, I can take a few pics of the blade from various angles, and those who know, can tell you what it is.

I guess I never thought the lie wouldn't be on the stick, like the flex and what not.

Clearly I am spacing today

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