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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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darby - mogilny - weight

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during the season I use darby synergies but in the summer I have trouble getting them. In the past I have just used mogilny blades for the summer b/c they are just about dead on the same, but as we know inno is no longer around. i know that this has been talked about a little bit, but I can't find definitive answer. how close it warrior's weight pattern to the old inno mogilny. it looks like it has a bigger rocker and a lower lie. How big of a difference are these? Thanks for any help.

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Mogilny has a 3/8 mid heel curve and a slight open face. 5.5 LIE.

Weight is a 1/2 curve mod. open face with a SO CALLED 4.5. LIE

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at my sports chek.. we are selling pro stock synergy sts.. that are darby.. but thye are nothing like the mog curve

how much are they and any rh?

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