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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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helmet question

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Ok, I know how much we all hate the "lightest" craze, but I'm just curious on this one:

What's the lightest helmet (but still protective)?

I was thinking either NBH 4000 (now 4500), Mission intake, or rbk 8k. Your thoughts?

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I think the Intake and 6k are very close, the 8k is superlight as well. I don't have a gram scale and we are talking not much difference.

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I have a 4500 and it felt as light as the others in the shop. I do not have a built in gram scale in my hands, but it FELT as light as all the rest. No titanium cage though :ph34r:

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yeah, you're gonna hate me, but i just got a rbk 8k helmet with a titanium cage. 24.5 grams. $303 for a helmet and cage though. But it's my own money im spending that i earned working this summer, so if i choose to spend it, then its my choice. at least im not wasting my parents dough

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how can you compare a low-end 4500 with a helmet like the 8k.. And IMO, the helmet with the less padding would be the ligter, but not that much protective.

Althought. i've been using the 652 helmet for 6 years now, playing contact league, never got a concussion or anything to my head, i upgraded to the 8000 6 month ago and no problem too. Weight is BS when talking about helmet...and they are all protective so helmet is all about confort

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you can disagree with me, but i think helmet is all about confort. so if you feel good in your 4500 GOOD! GO FOR IT and your going to save some money!(comparing to the 8k!)

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I have had my 4500 (4000) for a few years thats why i cant compare it to an 8K i would think the 8000 or 8K and top line helmets are light comfortable and safe I am just going against what i said 4500 vs 5000 so i agree with you im just doing a comparison with what i have worn

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but cavs, if i see lot of 4000, i should sell my 8000 to get what pros have and what about my skate... damn i should get ovechkin's skate and what about the stick of lecavalier and the beefy shoulder of begin and the pant of kovalev loll..i'm sure you got my point! :lol:

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