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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Rolling Stone's Top 100 Artists

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Okay, things get tougher now. How do you pick three songs from around three-hundred?!? I knew my first two songs immediately, but I think I'll have to flip a coin for number three.

The rules again are to provide your three favorite songs for a particular band from Rolling Stone magazine's list of the Top 100 Artists.. This week, it's the Rolling Stones. (Next week will be Chuck Berry.)

1) Can't You Hear Me Knocking - Seven minutes of pure Rock 'n' Roll, starting with a grinding guitar and ending with a wailing sax.

2) Time Waits For No One - Nearly another seven minutes, but this one's all melody with guitars and pianos that continually climb the scales.

3) Tumbling Dice - It could have been any of fifty other songs, but this one came up sevens.

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So many good ones...

1. Can't you hear me knocking - amazing, wasn't supposed to be long, but Mick Taylor kept playing, and they kept recording

2. Manish Boy live - awesome blues song, Stones keep to their blues roots.

3. Sympathy for the devil - rocks, awesome guitar solo.

Also could say: Paint it black, 19th nervous breakdown, satisfaction, and It's all over now (amazing guitar solo)

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