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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Video camera

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I'm about to bite the bullet and buy a digital video camera to film my daughter skating every week, because I want her to be able to see the work she is doing on her skating. (I'm sure I'll also be using it for the normal things).

I don't want to spend an arm and a leg - because that's already invested in hockey - but I don't want to get a camera that won't do the job either.

** What are the minimum features I should look for in order to get decent shots from a distance in crappy lighting conditions?

** Anything else that would make life simpler and easier? (battery life, storage, transfer etc)

Any advice or reccomendations is appreciated!

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I don't know alot about digital cameras but I'd reccomend going for Optical zoom over digital as digital doesnt seem to be very good quality from what I've been told

Alot of cameras come with either Av kinda cables that go in the back of scart leads or USB connectors which make for easy use with computors so I'd also try and get one of them with preferabley both

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Definately higher optical Zoom will give better quality that Digital zoom.

I've heard the straight to DVD recorders aren't all they are cracked up to be. As far as transfering/storing video...If your computer is able, I'd go with a camera that has Firewire to transfer video (Assuming that is something you want to do).

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