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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gas Prices

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I've seen it as low as .94/L here over the last few days. Someone said it was becasue of the Terror/Airline threats. Less people flying means less demand for Fuel....not sure how demand for jet fuel affects what we pay for regular gas...I doubt 747's use 87 octane fuel?????


Jet fuel has higher octane. Back when I used to work for an airline I remember it wasn't TOO much more than regular car fuel.

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Bloody ridiculous!!!!

3.23 a gal for Premium-my boat takes 38 gallons plus 32 gallons for the truck-needless to say we have gone boating twice this year :angry:

The real bite in the ass is what the profit margin for the oil companies is!

One of the DJ's on local radio broke it down and BP is pulling in like 12k every SECOND!!

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Jet fuel has higher octane. Back when I used to work for an airline I remember it wasn't TOO much more than regular car fuel.

Isn't jet fuel like 116 octane, or close to that?

My dad has a fully built drag car that ran on jet fuel. It was like $8 a gallon, and it got about a mile to the gallon. :angry:

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I've seen it as low as .94/L here over the last few days. Someone said it was becasue of the Terror/Airline threats. Less people flying means less demand for Fuel....not sure how demand for jet fuel affects what we pay for regular gas...I doubt 747's use 87 octane fuel?????


Jet fuel has higher octane. Back when I used to work for an airline I remember it wasn't TOO much more than regular car fuel.

Actually jet fuel has much lower "octane" than gasoline, typically about 15-25 "octane". They tend to ignite easily from high compression. Their use in a gasoline engine will quickly destroy it.

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I've seen it as low as .94/L here over the last few days. Someone said it was becasue of the Terror/Airline threats. Less people flying means less demand for Fuel....not sure how demand for jet fuel affects what we pay for regular gas...I doubt 747's use 87 octane fuel?????


Jet fuel has higher octane. Back when I used to work for an airline I remember it wasn't TOO much more than regular car fuel.

Actually jet fuel has much lower "octane" than gasoline, typically about 15-25 "octane". They tend to ignite easily from high compression. Their use in a gasoline engine will quickly destroy it.

In motocross don't they use something similar to jet fuel?

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I've seen it as low as .94/L here over the last few days. Someone said it was becasue of the Terror/Airline threats. Less people flying means less demand for Fuel....not sure how demand for jet fuel affects what we pay for regular gas...I doubt 747's use 87 octane fuel?????


Jet fuel has higher octane. Back when I used to work for an airline I remember it wasn't TOO much more than regular car fuel.

Actually jet fuel has much lower "octane" than gasoline, typically about 15-25 "octane". They tend to ignite easily from high compression. Their use in a gasoline engine will quickly destroy it.

In motocross don't they use something similar to jet fuel?

Don't quote me on this, but I don't think so.

The lower octane values are physically lighter, therefore don't require a spark to ignite. With that said, every bmx bike I've seen has at least one spark plug.

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