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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warranty or not

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i bought a brand new easton si-core grip at my LHS store it wasnt a prostock but it didnt not have a retail easton curve.. just where it usually says the name of the player it was white with nothing in it? it still says the 30 day warranty and everything.. which stick would i get in warranty return and what curve would they send me.

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Take it to your LHS i have gotten pro stock and stuff and you have to bring it back there.

See what they say and if they say send it back to Easton then who knows what curve you would get

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Good luck, I know a couple people who tried to return them and got shot down because they were "too old".

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Good luck, I know a couple people who tried to return them and got shot down because they were "too old".

That shouldn't be the customer's problem though. If the LHS still has old stock that he's selling he should at least advise the customer that the warranty may be nil or voided because the stick is "old"..

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Good luck, I know a couple people who tried to return them and got shot down because they were "too old".

That shouldn't be the customer's problem though. If the LHS still has old stock that he's selling he should at least advise the customer that the warranty may be nil or voided because the stick is "old"..

That only works if Easton tells the LHS that they won't honor the warranty on that model anymore. At that point, the LHS SHOULD tell customers, but I don't think they'd be legally obligated to do so.

If you really want to get into it, Easton should honor it, as the stick is being sold as a new stick, and their warranty covers all sticks from 30 days of the purchase date when new.

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