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OLN releases 06/07 TV schedule

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OK, here is something I don't understand.

Ovechkin is one of the most exciting players in the league, and while the caps didn't do that well last year, they were really exciting to watch play, as they worked their asses off every night.

They get 2 games on the OLN schedule. Surely a fairweather fan would be more inclined to tune in to see what the hype about this new kid is, than they are to watch Buffalo v New Jersey (no offense intended to either team, they are both better than the caps, but new jersey is either in a small market, or the third hockey team in a big market, and buffalo is in a smaller market than washington, and outside their respective markets, are not likely to be a national draw).

All 82 caps games, and even the pre-season game with the pens last year were broadcast here, and I will get to see them at training camp, on TV and at the MCI center, so it's of no consequence to me, but from a marketing perspective, its odd.

Canada have the caps scheduled for national broadcast 7 times, which shows they can appreciate the fact that people might want to see him, inspite of the team record (although I still predict caps finish 7th in the east, but I am completely bias)

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Considering they use the Caps play by play guy and Comcast owns OLN/versus it is a bit strange. At least we get to see the other really bad team in the East 7 times. That should really piss off FSN Pitt, as they pay through the nose and will lose at least 8 games if you include the one on NBC.

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Our cable company only offers OLN, not any HD feed. I didn't think they had an HD signal, but it's listed on the schedule.

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