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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood And CCM Composites

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Is the Paul Coffey pattern available in Jr Sherwood composites?

Also, is the Ovechkin available in jr composites?

I really like both curves, but have been unable to find them online and at my LHS.

I was thinking of getting a new stick soon, and I love composites. Do you guys have any links for them or an idea of a price? My phone is broken and I don't have a cell as of now.

Any links at all are appreciated, and the price would be nice too.


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Did you try going to sher-wood.com and ccmsports.com? They list which patterns are available on each stick or should.

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Did you check the catalog's posted? Thats where I would start. And for future reference, I would wait more than 43 minutes to bump my own post.

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^^ Correct. I had a coffey in intermediate for a while.. They also had the junior version of it. The Ovenchikinickininhonkin(sp) curve is too new.

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