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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I think I would have to agree with mack, here. You've done nothing but lie on this board. Did you even buy the sticks? Or just say you did?

Acully I don't lie I lied about my age wow big deal :rolleyes:

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just FYI for anyone thinking of buying from sniper14- I bought an adrenaline from him, and despite it taking some time to get here, there were no problems. Regardless, there are a few posts about him in the good buyer/seller list.

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So what did we learn today kiddies?

1. You dont need to lie on forums to make yourself look "cool".. you will get caught and you will look "stupid".

2. Don't post threads in the wrong place.. it really pisses off everybody (including myself) for some reason.

3. Be patient with your sellers. If you wanted the stick asap, you should have scooted your little ass to your LHS. Things will work out. For the most part, people on this board are very honest and good people. Be understanding with your seller and they will me more apt for serve you.

Class dismissed.

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