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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tricep protection

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Which piece of gear should be covering my triceps? I keep getting cross check brusies right inbetween the should and elbow pads and it's getting really bad. I have entry level shoulders and elbows for non-contact beer league-ing but I really want to eliminate this gap.


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I was having the same problem, also with entry level shoulder pads and elbow pads, I recently upgraded to nike V14 elbow pads and it seems to have fixed the problem. Although there is the odd occasion where someone will find the sweet spot where theres not enough padding and I'll get bruised. Maybe try looking for shoulder pads that come down your arm more..

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I think you should look more into shoulders if you've looking into upgrading either those or the elbows to get better protection. A good set of shoulder pads should offer better tricep coverage.

I'd recommend the Bauer SDB II shoulder pads if you can find a pair. They have big poly plates that come down to just above the elbow. They offer a ton of protection of the shoulders and arms but not much in the way of sternum/ribs/back padding... They're super light though, so definitely worth looking into

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both my elbow pads and my shoulder pads have pads designed to cover a bit more then half of your tricept. This way they slightly overlap and provide pretty solid protection.

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