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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Wicked Skates 07 - preorder stage

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Amazing how quick they lower the prices now days. A few years back , a last years model would never change price even after the new stuff came in.

Now Im pissed I bought the 9500's for $450

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i have a question... where did they get the"retail" price from? cause i've never seen anyone sell those skates or even the 10000 for $650?

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Im starting to wonder how long they can keep making skates lighter and lighter. Its already really light, so was last years models. But whats gona happen in 3-4 years? They cant keep going lighter and lighter. Eventually it would be wheels connected to a strap.

Maybe if they didnt come out with new models so quickly it wouldnt happen.

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Im starting to wonder how long they can keep making skates lighter and lighter. Its already really light, so was last years models. But whats gona happen in 3-4 years? They cant keep going lighter and lighter. Eventually it would be wheels connected to a strap.

Maybe if they didnt come out with new models so quickly it wouldnt happen.

They'll start sewing a hollow plastic chasis into a pair of thin socks.

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Im starting to wonder how long they can keep making skates lighter and lighter. Its already really light, so was last years models. But whats gona happen in 3-4 years? They cant keep going lighter and lighter. Eventually it would be wheels connected to a strap.

Maybe if they didnt come out with new models so quickly it wouldnt happen.

They'll start sewing a hollow plastic chasis into a pair of thin socks.


those would b fun to customize!!

"sir id like the hanes no show socks with a rocker chais please"

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