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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok, in a game today i got back checked into the boards, and i put left hand up (im right handed so this is my top hand) out to try and break the fall, but with the guys weight behind me, i bent the thumb on my right hand right back.

I carried on playin but there was only a few shifts left.

that was a few hours ago, and now its really painful and stiff. I was told i may have sprained it, How long do they usually take to heal?

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Same thing happened to me before, i put my hand up to break a fall, thumb bent right back. I couldn't hold my stick it was that bad, but this was in the 3rd period so no big deal. It was sore for awhile, i just kept the ice on it, mine was swollen for a good week or more.

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sprains never truly heal. a break is so much better. i've sprained both my thumbs, actually jammed the joint from someone tripping me from behind and me going face first in the boards, and jamming my thumbs. now the slightest fluke hit at the right angle will set them off and make it difficult to bend them.

you should be healed up in a week or two, thats how long it took me, but you're also gonna be more susceptible to having it happen again.

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Lee: You make some good points, when i get hit hard, or contact made to my thumb, i can really feel it. Even if im doing any physical activity with my fingers, or hand i can feel it after awhile.

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You're in the same boat with a break. It's never the same when it heals, and is more susceptible to rebreakage.

not true. when a break heals properly, it becomes stronger than it was before.

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You're in the same boat with a break.  It's never the same when it heals, and is more susceptible to rebreakage.

Are you sure you don't mean dislocation?

he's gotta mean dislocations. friend of mine's dislocated his shoulder so many times that it just pops out some times when he raises his arm. he's so used to it that he just pops it back in and keeps going.

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You're in the same boat with a break.  It's never the same when it heals, and is more susceptible to rebreakage.

Are you sure you don't mean dislocation?

he's gotta mean dislocations. friend of mine's dislocated his shoulder so many times that it just pops out some times when he raises his arm. he's so used to it that he just pops it back in and keeps going.

i can easily pop my shoulder out of socket.

its not good for your shoulder either. i just move my arm some times and can feel it pop out.

it kinda scary to think it could ahppen in a game

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hm. Maybe not more susceptible to breakage, but I know of people who have broken bones and they say they've never been the same after that. Might be more of a psychological thing though. I know 2 people who broke their legs playing hockey, and both of them have trouble stopping/turning on the side of the leg they broke.

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That sucks ash, where where you playing? Who with?

I'd just put some ice on it and see in a day or two. I've never had a serious sprain so i'm not sure.

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i have broken and or sprained 7 fingeers including one of my thumbs. you gotta ice it lots. a broken fingerr is alot better than a sprained one cuase it hurts less. when i sprained my thumb it healed in about a week and a half. when i sprained my pinkie once, it took 6 weeks to get the splint off.

of you have a finger splint, put it on your thumb. if you dont go to a doctor and get one. after 4 or 5 days start trying to move your thumb back and forth. if it hurts as bad as it did when it happened(or shortly afterword) then give it a few more days. if it doesnt, then wiggle it more day by day until you feel no pain.

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