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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Skates

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I'm going to a store later today to try on some Mission skates, but before I do I was looking for some info. I'm mainly considering between the S300 and S400. I play rec league hockey, so basically I play once a week on average. I am currently used to the stiffness of Bauer Supremes (3000) and my questions are, 1) is the Mission soft-boot going to be difficult to adapt to, 2) assuming the composite material in the S400 is stiffer, would it be an easier transition for me, and 3) since I only play about once a week is the S300 plenty of "skate" for a player like me or would I get more life out of the S400? Thanks for the help...

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any soft boot skate should be a fairly easy transition, its far less restrictive at first. my hat is off to you for choosing such nice skates for rec league, you wont be sorry. by its nature, the S400 should be stiffer, and will give you more life in the long run. if you came into my shop and described your situation, i would probaby be showing you bauer 2000/4000's, CCM 652's, and mission S300's. try them on and if you dont mind spending the extra, get the 400's but i think 300's will treat you just fine

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Based on your post, I would most likely recommend the S300's. The S300 is a bit stiffer in the boat, as we designed the boot to offer a bit more traditional support for the average player. With S400 and S500, we went for performance with full range of motion.

The option is up to you, but the S300s will perform similar (better than) your 3000s.

I hope this helps.


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Thanks for the replies, and Justin, I really appreciate your candor...as a Mission rep you could easily recommend the more expensive skate yet you recommended what would BEST fit me.

Thanks again...

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