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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CobrAA, many of us have been in a similar situation as you. I think most people would agree that the relationship is no longer healthy when you want to act upon the desire to "just know...."

There are two things I've learned over the years:

1) When you're with someone who's good for you, it's just so much easier. There's so much less turmoil. Both people can go off to do their own thing, without the other feeling abandoned or jealous. Neither one will feel compelled to check up on the other.

2) It's okay for a relationship to come to an end. It gives you an opportunity to take stock of what qualities you're looking for in another person -- and to learn how to become a better person yourself.

I agree. I had this kind of relationship with my wife when we were dating. I had to clean it up fast and I DID (just some background... she was still talking to her ex boyfriend a lot and texting back and forth in the middle of the night.. )I told her that I trusted her that she wasn't cheating on me *and she wasn't*, but told her that I couldn't handle that kind of relationship. She understood and told her ex that she couldn't talk anymore.. He didn't take it well, but I pretty much said it was either me or him and she chose me. I haven't heard a peep from him since.

Just tell her how you feel and let her know that you think something is going on. Don't be an asshole and try to throw it in her face.. YOU play the angel here and let her realize for herself that she is the "asshole".

On another note.. even if you FOUND proof of her cheating or whatever, IMO you would look more like the ass for having to spy on her. Are you planning on telling her that you put a keylogger on, after the fact?

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Yup, there's not really a tactful way to bring up anything you dug up on her and it will only make it worse for you. Best you can do is tell her that she's a woman and will make 70-75% of what you make and do the Tyrone Biggums shuffle.

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Yup, there's not really a tactful way to bring up anything you dug up on her and it will only make it worse for you. Best you can do is tell her that she's a woman and will make 70-75% of what you make and do the Tyrone Biggums shuffle.

LOLLL ...what more can i say lol

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your right guys... i wont use that keylog..anyways,


No i didn't had the intention to let her know a keylog was on her computer. as i'm the ''computer geek'' for her. I restored her computer 4-5 times, her family always call a tech at 50/hour for a virus and stuff like this lol...

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but, she did something wrong 1 weeks ago, and im sure if i would have read her msn conversation, nothing like this would have happened.

So why don't you lock her in her room and remove all chances of infedelity.


Sorry...that wasn't helpful.

You have to trust. If you can't trust, don't be in a relationship with that person. What are you going to do down the line when she has a good looking co-worker, or boss and one night she has to work late. Or there is a company dinner that she must attend. Or she has to travel on business with this person. Or she hangs out with a good girl friend of hers, who is dating a guy. And that guys friend is always hanging around.

Doubt will always be creeping into your mind.

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maybe that the problem when you are going out with a girl that 99% of your friends tell you she a ''chick'' loll..

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maybe that the problem when you are going out with a girl that 99% of your friends tell you she a ''chick'' loll..

then consider yourself lucky for having a good looking girlfriend and learn to trust her.

A relationship is supposed to be enjoyable. If you aren't enjoying it, you need to find a new girlfriend who you can trust.

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