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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission 10000 Gloves

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I have been skating in Missions for the last 8 years and have been using there other inline products (Pants gloves) for almost as long and have alsways been a big fan and supporter of their products. I am now on my second pair of mission 10000 gloves in less that a year (these latest were purchase in March) and the right side of the right glove has completely split in half. The rest of the glove is perfect condition except for that one side where my hand goes right through making it very difficult to stick handle and shoot. Does anyone know if mission has any type of warranty on their high end gloves?

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I had these, and had the same problem. The mesh-like material that connected the palm itself to the glove completely ripped, and the gloves were unusable. I just bought a new pair of pro-stcok He750's from HockeyMonkey.

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Mission gloves are too soft (not a bad thing for feeling) in material to withstand constant use for long. I tried some Eagles from the local rep with the microfiber palms, andI must say, are some of the best. It's all in the materials. If you can stretch it, it probably isn't any good. A firm but soft to the touch material is what you should be looking for.

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My retail 750s held up for a year and they were used when I got them. Most of the rips that I've seen come from using a grip stick with a goat palm.

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