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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Z Air Comp Skate

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stiff? they break down quicker than vapor xxs

You are way off. The xx's are crap for durability and the z air comps will last you at least 10 times longer than the xx's ( I wore both). From my own experience I can tell you that the comp's are very comfy and they are built like a tank. Performance is excellent as well. I know lots of players who bought z air comps and I have heard nothing but good things about them.

when a guy on my team can fold his z comp airs in half, and my xxs are still strong, i tend to judge. Not saying it's a bad skate, just not stiff

You should not comment on topics that you don't know anything about. I am not trying to be rude but the z air comp is one of the stiffest skates available.

but doesn't it tell you something if he told you his teammate folded the skates in half? I'm sure he knows something there...

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No. I skated is comps for 2 years and I know they are very stiff. I sold a lot of comps to players playing Junior or college hockey and they all told me that the comps held up really well .

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