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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Online Gaming For PC

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Yea.. im a computer nerd in my spare time.

I play a lot of Battlefield 2, World of Warcraft and HL2. I tried Counterstrike Source, but I got my ass handed to me by some 2 year old.

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Yea.. im a computer nerd in my spare time.

I play a lot of Battlefield 2, World of Warcraft and HL2. I tried Counterstrike Source, but I got my ass handed to me by some 2 year old.

Some asshole hacked into my old eBay account and listed 100 copes of World of Warcraft (I assume thats what WoW is).

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Yea.. im a computer nerd in my spare time.

I play a lot of Battlefield 2, World of Warcraft and HL2. I tried Counterstrike Source, but I got my ass handed to me by some 2 year old.

Some asshole hacked into my old eBay account and listed 100 copes of World of Warcraft (I assume thats what WoW is).

Yeah same shit happened to me last Saturday. WoW leveling gold or something.

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Yah i know for a fact that alot of the good online gamers are very good hackers,

They are very good at cheating to and good at covering it up,

There are alot of coders in the gaming world to.

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Dude I got hacked on Friday for 46 "authentic" Chanel bags.

I would make a new account and buy every single last one of them... Its a giftbag.. Wow and designer handbags.

Ebay hacking is a common thing these days.. There are way too many people who see an email from "ebay" click the link and sign into "ebay" (which isn't ebay at all, but the ip address from some kid in china). Othertimes, ebay just screws up their security.

The biggest thing to worry about is paypal. They cant do TOO much damage without your paypal info. Most people are smart enough to see that they dont accept paypal, but somehow can afford a shitload of designer handbags and think that it might be a scam.

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Is there anything you guys are going to do? I haven't used that eBay account in probably 4 years, and I never use that email either.

Did they all sell or are they selling right now?

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Ebay caught on to them while they were listed and removed all of them. I wouldn't have had any idea because I check that email 3 or 4 times a year.

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I started deleting them ASAP but they were 24-hr auctions and two people bid. One paid with PayPal - I told them both that they were scams and the one who paid with PP was like "Well, I want a refund." She didn't understand that she did not pay ME.

Ebay then sent me an email removing all of my listings saying that I infringed on trademarks.

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