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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My New Skates

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Those look sick! I always wanted Graf skates! but nowhere in england does many.

And i also wanted that MG chassis for aaagggeeesss.... till i got my sprung chassis!

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And i also wanted that MG chassis for aaagggeeesss.... till i got my sprung chassis!

My shop has 2 sets of mediums left I think...plus my mediums off my 950s

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those are sweeet!!

how do u like them?

i know a few people who have made graf inlines, but none of them really seemed to like them.

I made inlines out of graf 609's and I couldn't be happier w/ them. I have sprung frames on them the most recently. :)

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Nice mount. I like that the boot has the plastic outsole too. A lot of boots have composite these days, and it's been my experience when moutning onto these that they split or separate.

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Nice mount. I like that the boot has the plastic outsole too. A lot of boots have composite these days, and it's been my experience when moutning onto these that they split or separate.

I have to disagree with you there. I have put alot of inline chassis, and ice holders on composite boots, and never had a problem with seperating or splitting. The only issue I have is that the drill bit will slide if you dont push hard enough.

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I've seen some of that "sliding" effect on some of my skates. I guess the guys that have done the work encountered the same problems as you.

The only skates that I have had the have had no issue with splitting are Mission. And I have a lot of skates. There are some other MSHers that have seen my collection. Most have the splits. It was explained to me that ice skates were not designed to carry the load of a chassis + wheels.

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hiho is the same cut as the roller daddy, but higher end. Still, I'd say the V12 probably has better materials/construction. More money can go into ice boots for the same price as inlines b/c a holder and steel is a whole heckuva lot cheaper than a chassis with wheels and bearings.

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Love the skates!

I've mounted Kuzak split frames to 703's (my personal favorite set up so far), Sensor's to 703's...and i'm waiting for my Sprung/703 set up now...should be done by wednesday :)

I wanted to try the hummer chassis on the 703s, but never got around to it. I'm hoping i'll be happy with the sprung set up, from what the rumors say, i will.

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those are sweeet!!

how do u like them?

i know a few people who have made graf inlines, but none of them really seemed to like them.

I had a pair of 705's mounted on Sensor frames and those were some of my best skates ever.

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