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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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measuring tool

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I was on the EPUCK measuring tool last night and based on the measurment of my shins they say I should be wearing a 16" inch RBK shinpad not a 15". I thought that my shin pads were a bit short over the boot but never did anything about it. So I was just curious as to how accurate the measuring tool is.

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I think you would know what works best. I wouldn't rely on a measuring tool, or sizes for that matter. Put them on and see where it lines up. I havet wo different sets of shinpads - I wear 16" with S500 and 15" with ONE90.

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Just the guy I was hoping would read this. I wear Graf 705's and my RBK 8K's over the skate. I do notice a slight bit of space left between my boot and pad. Would it be worth it for me to invest in another pair of shins. Also keep in mind that I am still waiting on the Shift-2 skate to come out.



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I'm thinking that maybe there should be 0 to as littile as possible space between the skate and boot as possible. Yes my knee is centered. With my pads the way they are now I get a great extention however I see that on most Pro's their pads cover the first eyelit of there skate. Is this just a matter of P/P? I have a good inch or so open between my pad and top eyelit now wearing my pad over the skate.

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I did take that into consideration. Just for kicks I used the measurment for an Easton S9 shinpad and they said that I would need a 15 pad but with a RBK a 16. Just wanted to get a proffecional opinion on what I should do. I guess my best bet would be to buy a 16 and see what fits best, ya think?

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epuck says i need an inch bigger than i actually wear for my shin pads too, i don't listen to it. my knee wouldn't sit right if i did.

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My son currently wears a 14" and on last Wednesday he got hit and his legs hit the boards and I think that since his shin pads were like an inch to short they put pressure on the fibula and caused it to break.

Yes he is in a leg cast from the knee down.

I'am going to go pick him up some 15" I don't want this to happen again.

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