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Help finding Pant Shells

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This may sound stupid, but I have a really nice pair of ice hockey pants.

No that wasn't the stupid part. But see, they are confortable, but I look absolutely rediculous in them. I look like I have a case of Ghetto Booty Syndrome, if that was a disease.

Anyways, I'm looking for a baggy pant shell to wear over the pants. CCM, Tackla, Bauer, whatever.

If you could help a brother out, point me in the direction of a nice baggy pant shell (I'm looking for a large, even though my pants are a medium.)

This way I can play hockey without having to think about how unbelievably big my ass is.

Thanks guys, I'll appreciate you replies.

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try the old easton bauer or tps since they dont fit as tight as the new NBH and tackla ones do

the NBH and tacklas are like elasticky and form fit as the others just drop down straight

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try the old easton bauer or tps since they dont fit as tight as the new NBH and tackla ones do

the NBH and tacklas are like elasticky and form fit as the others just drop down straight

actually my tackla shell is just like a regular shell, nothing fancy or any elasticity

tps are usually bigger as well.. check out philbricks

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Hey guys thanks for the suggestions; I was about to get the Bauer 6000 shell, which is likely a bad idea now!

If it helps, I have Bauer 8000 pants. They are elastic-y, like you guys said. So I think I'll go with a CCM.

Jon, is there a specific model number? I saw a PP52 or something along those lines at a lot of online stores.

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Hey guys thanks for the suggestions; I was about to get the Bauer 6000 shell, which is likely a bad idea now!

If it helps, I have Bauer 8000 pants. They are elastic-y, like you guys said. So I think I'll go with a CCM.

Jon, is there a specific model number? I saw a PP52 or something along those lines at a lot of online stores.

yeah i have the pp52

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Yeah those look nice. I just have to find the right size...

Now would I be better off paying say 50% more at my LHS where they might not even have them or should I take a stab at a large somewhere online?

I might be overdoing it though. I'm about 5'8" 185 pounds with that ghetto booty syndrome.

My 8000s are Mediums. My waist size is a 34.

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try the old easton bauer or tps since they dont fit as tight as the new NBH and tackla ones do

the NBH and tacklas are like elasticky and form fit as the others just drop down straight

actually my tackla shell is just like a regular shell, nothing fancy or any elasticity

tps are usually bigger as well.. check out philbricks

well yeah aftrer i think about it the ones we have in our shop have an elastic waistband and some around the hips

and teh ones youre thinking of are the regular old shell

if you go tackla choose the model jbyun04 is talking about not mine

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try the old easton bauer or tps since they dont fit as tight as the new NBH and tackla ones do

the NBH and tacklas are like elasticky and form fit as the others just drop down straight

actually my tackla shell is just like a regular shell, nothing fancy or any elasticity

tps are usually bigger as well.. check out philbricks

well yeah aftrer i think about it the ones we have in our shop have an elastic waistband and some around the hips

and teh ones youre thinking of are the regular old shell

if you go tackla choose the model jbyun04 is talking about not mine

You're talking about the shell designed for the Tackla girdle. It comes up and covers the hip pads.

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the one i'm talking about is the tackla tps50, the other one is like tgs50 but you'll know if you ever decide to go with tackla since something like that.

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I think I'm going to go with the PP52 from www.hockey.lax.com, since that's the only place I've seen them in stock in large navy, and at a bit of a lower price, also.

Thanks for all of your help!

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