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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dents in the Skates

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My new CCM Vector 10 skates have metal mesh. It got dented in some areas just after a couple of games. This is my first ever pair of Vectors. Do you other owners of Vector 10 skates experience same?

I also have another pair that turned out to be too long for me. They are brand new. Somehow the metal mesh on one of the skates turned pretty dark. Could it be because I am not that far from Chernobyl? I thought so in the beginning but the

other skate still looks silvery like it should. Any input?

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Somehow the metal mesh on one of the skates turned pretty dark. Could it be because I am not that far from Chernobyl?


You might need to seek medical attention for that :o

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Somehow the metal mesh on one of the skates turned pretty dark. Could it be because I am not that far from Chernobyl?

Are you planning to get a spot in this funny-reply-thread now? If so, you failed.

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Somehow the metal mesh on one of the skates turned pretty dark. Could it be because I am not that far from Chernobyl?

Are you planning to get a spot in this funny-reply-thread now? If so, you failed.

I probably should not have put that line there. Obviously lots of people here just like to simply BS instead of commenting if they've had the same experience.

Thank you for your valuable input!

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Somehow the metal mesh on one of the skates turned pretty dark. Could it be because I am not that far from Chernobyl?


You might need to seek medical attention for that :o

For one skate turning dark? What doctor could possibly reverse the process and put my left CCM Vector 10 skate in remission?

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Dent? IT sounds like the skate creased...where did it do it?

Right under the tendon guard to the right. Got hit by the puck there. I think it's cosmetic only and I'll have many more to come.

Actually, they are supposed to be built prety well since they evolved from the Vector Pros. Mine looked like seconds from the very beginning.

Sakting is awesome inthem though. Surprisingly a real easy switch from Bauers too.

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I wouldn't worry about it.

Yeah, I don't. I don't mind them showing some character. It's just that "character" looks very unusual comparing to other skates. Wonder if same happens to RBK skates too.

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