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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Green One90s

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Did I miss something? I thought that the one90s were supposed to be (edit:PURPLE). I know it wasn't the lighting or anything because the tounge was purple. The rest of the skate was a dark green/ tan-ish color.

The display models were Jr sizes.. Does that have anything to do with it? I have to head back up this week before thursday, I will take a picture if nobody believes me.

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Did I miss something? I thought that the one90s were supposed to be green.

no... they're not supposed to be green

Thanks, I edited it. I meant to say purple.

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are you sure it's one90s and not some smu skate?


Said one90 right on the side.. badging and all.

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That would be very interesting to see.

Hopefully you can get those pics because I would love to see what they looks like.

Yeah. I'm getting the feeling that I am going to have to get pics before anybody will believe me. I even asked one of the sales men and he thought that they were supposed to be purple too.

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It's the lighting. Mine sometimes looks like that...probably the flourescent lighting in the store.

They do have that kind of lighting.. but the tounge was visably purple. It was a HUGE difference between the 2 colors. Another person said that it may have been a faded window model, but there are no windows anywhere near where they display their skates.

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It's the lighting. Mine sometimes looks like that...probably the flourescent lighting in the store.

I'm pretty sure it is lighting...at the right angle ours look green also.

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