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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ipod Trouble

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My buddy gave me this 3rd or 4th Gen 10 GB Ipod becauseit stopeed working.

I plug it in and it doesn't do anything no signs of life.

I would just like to get it working just for fun.

I cracked it open and everything seems normal in it.

If you guys could help me out that would be great.

And after letting it sit charging for about 3 hours the bottom of the ipod seems to get warm.

Thanks ;)

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Its a 3rd gen ipod. Sounds like a battery problem. I doubt you could fix it.. I would take it into a shop.

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Don't want to start a new post but I have a question about my ipod which I know is still under warrenty. The click wheel is all messed up when I click the rewind button to start a song over nothing happens and I have to push it like 10 times before it will do anything. Also when I click start to turn it off it will just start playing or nothing will happen I have to try at least three times on average to make it to turn off and sometimes when I try to hit the rewind button it will some how trigger the start button instead and pause the song and the last thing is the click wheel kinda slants a little to the left. Is this something they will fix or replace the wheel for me if I sent it back or what should I do? It's a black ipod nano if that makes a difference.

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