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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jofa helmet

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Just pulled out my old Jofa helmet, but to get it on I have to max out the size setting.

Does that make it less safe?

Also, I'm thinking about getting the rbk 6k helmet. Any comments?


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Is an old Jofa helmet safe at ANY size setting? :D

"Concussion bucket"

Looks like he isn't talking about the old 235. The 395s and 690s should both be ok.

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Yea its a 395 (I think)

Played with a 690 Large yesterday (at campus) and it felt great.

Was going to pick one up, but none of the stores here carry them anymore.

Looked online, but $20+ for shipping added onto the cost ($70 or so) adds up.

I might as well get the RBK 6K for about the same price or a Mission intake.


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Yea its a 395 (I think)

Played with a 690 Large yesterday (at campus) and it felt great.

Was going to pick one up, but none of the stores here carry them anymore.

Looked online, but $20+ for shipping added onto the cost ($70 or so) adds up.

I might as well get the RBK 6K for about the same price or a Mission intake.


I have a spare 690 if you want it. Between my other 690, my 235 and my 8k I'm pretty much covered for helmets.

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