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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockeyshops in Calgary

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Do you know where you are staying and what are you looking for?

Professional Skate - 2 Locations, SE/SW Calgary

B & P Calgary - NE Calgary

Tuxedo Source For Sports - NW/Central Calgary

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Do you know where you are staying and what are you looking for?

Professional Skate - 2 Locations, SE/SW Calgary

B & P Calgary - NE Calgary

Tuxedo Source For Sports - NW/Central Calgary

B & P Cycle is actually in SE Calgary.

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thanks for your answers.

I´m going to stay at:

Calgary Mariott

9th Avenue , SE

Is there a shop nearby ?

I´ll try to find the equipment, that you don´t get in germany. For example a "Kelly Green" Mission Intake :-)

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thanks for your answers.

I´m going to stay at:

Calgary Mariott

9th Avenue , SE

Is there a shop nearby ?

I´ll try to find the equipment, that you don´t get in germany. For example a "Kelly Green" Mission Intake :-)

Well, you're staying right downtown across from the Calgary Tower.

To get to Tuxedo Sports, go north on Centre Street for 34 blocks. Tuxedo sports will be on your right hand side.

That should be the easiest shop for you to get to in terms of directions.

B & P Cycle is on the Northwest corner of 17 Avenue SE and 52 Street SE.

Good luck finding a Kelly Green Mission Intake. I have yet to see one in town. The only colours I have seen are black, white, royal blue and red.

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You don't want the intake helmet anyways. The fit is terrible with that thing. Bauer 5000 still the best deal out there.

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You don't want the intake helmet anyways. The fit is terrible with that thing. Bauer 5000 still the best deal out there.

Maybe the fit is terrible for your head. However, it is a little egocentric to think that it wouldn't work for anyone else. The Intake fits my head perfectly. Much better than my Bauer 5000 did.

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