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NHL 07 and NHL2k7 demos

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I didn't see this posted but yesterday both games made demos availablefor free download. The 2k7 gives you a 5 min in game demo and 4 teams to choose from, the NHL 07 is a shootout and gives you the Oilers vs the Canes.

played both demos and they both play nicely. The gear on NHL 07 is spot on* and the gameplay is nice... although I definitely saw a few glitches(goalies going through the net, players stickhandling through the goalie), nothing huge though and wasn't on a regular basis like before.

It's going to be a close race between the two, but I think the stick control and the gear being spot on wins me over to nhl 07. I saw waaay too many CNT stealths in 2k7. :(

In 2k7, the gameplay is similar to before(waaaay too much checking) but the poke checks are harder and the goal scoring glitches are gone. One thing I really like about 2k7 is you can hear the players communicate, which is really nice.

*one90 skates have the LS Power holder, noticed some Bauer 8090 with custom+ holders(you can read the writing on the actual blades!!!), pro tacks, rbk 9Ks. 10.0 sticks, tps response plus, xxx lite sticks, xx gloves, cam ward wears his signature velos and rolly is wearing his summits. You can even see the shin guard tape over the socks!!! :lol:

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I think I'll go with 07 the gameplay on the 2k series is really starting to get old with me, almost no difference in 2k5 and 2k6 and from vids of 2k7 it still looks like the puck is stuck to the stick and they haven't really changed anything.

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the gameplay of 2k7 is really nice, it plays nice and fluid... but the checking is a bit extreme. Trust me, play them both before you make a decision. My friends and I are definitely going to rent them both and have a get together to decide which game we will be playing this year, we never had to do it before but it looks really close.

I might add that the graphics on NHL 07 are a lot better... but that is in the shootout demo, real game graphics might not be nearly as nice.

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nhl07 is prob the hardest haockey game i've played in the seriesso far. It's the onyl time ive rented a hockey game and lost the first game. I dont think the game itself is harder, but the controls are hard. At least hard to get used to. The stick handle joystick is a cool idea, but i found myself accidently shooting a lot of times when i was just trying to deke. It was super annoying. Also, i have NO idea how to take a faceoff. I just assumed that the pass button was also the faceoff button, liek it usualy is. Maybe it is... but i didnt win ONE face off.

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