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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok, so I got 360 a couple of months ago and I've been wanting to play Live for a while now and I've tried to connect but when I put my ethernet cable into my modem the into my xbox and test my connection it says connection test failed. So if anyone could help me that'd kickass. Also my modem only has a telephone plug and a ethernet plug, would it be better if i got Wireless or get a modem that has more jacks. thanks

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Ok, so I got 360 a couple of months ago and I've been wanting to play Live for a while now and I've tried to connect but when I put my ethernet cable into my modem the into my xbox and test my connection it says connection test failed. So if anyone could help me that'd kickass. Also my modem only has a telephone plug and a ethernet plug, would it be better if i got Wireless or get a modem that has more jacks. thanks

Sounds like you have DSL. With dsl, you aren't actually logged in all the time to the internet. Your isp checks your "pppoe" information to validate that it is you, versus cable where you are always logged in. You can bypass this by purchasing a router. It doesn't have to be wireless or expensive, just any router will do. You will have to put the pppoe info into your router, but you can call your isp to get help with that.

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