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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What a crock of shit. Neither of these two have half as much talent as the guys they cut earlier in the show.

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2nd canadian in a row, at first when I saw that guy in the very first introduction of the canadian candidates, I thought he had absolutly no talent, I guess the stylists and coaches got to him.

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2nd canadian in a row, at first when I saw that guy in the very first introduction of the canadian candidates, I thought he had absolutly no talent, I guess the stylists and coaches got to him.

He's playing a character, evidently they wanted to have a muppet as their lead singer.

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Yeah most of them were, the first couple of girls that were booted out of there were totally playing a caracter. They were trying to be bad ass and you could totally see it in their faces that they were trying not too be so mean looking and mess their rep.

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