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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curve Suggestions

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Hey I currently use the tps messier and love it, but its a 6 lie so I have to have it really short (comes to my pecs). I want something with a 5 ish lie but have the curve like that. Would a heatley work for me? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I know theres the DB, but there are no curve pics or people opinions

Does the robatille resemble it at all?

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Maybe a Coffey curve or a Gaborik. Robitaille does resemble the Coffey, haven't compared it next to a Messier though.

The messier is a big curve without lots of twist right? Seems that way from the pattern db/hazy recollection.

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Thanks chadd, I went to modano, but didnt like the curve so i think ill give the heats a shot. Would robatille work better for the than the heatley?

Does the robatille play like a 5 lie?

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  kovalchuk71 said:
Thanks chadd, I went to modano, but didnt like the curve so i think ill give the heats a shot. Would robatille work better for the than the heatley?

Does the robatille play like a 5 lie?

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Robitaille is about a 7 Lie.

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I used to play with the Mess cuve and had the same problem. I switched to Christian's Pattern 5, which is based on the iginla--it's a 5 lie. It has worked great. Plus, it's a wood tapered blade, and it has been more durable than the tps comp. blades. And they are only $26 plus shipping...

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  Ogie said:
I used to play with the Mess cuve and had the same problem. I switched to Christian's Pattern 5, which is based on the iginla--it's a 5 lie. It has worked great. Plus, it's a wood tapered blade, and it has been more durable than the tps comp. blades. And they are only $26 plus shipping...
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They make the 5 in comp as well.

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