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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Opinions on Bauer/Nike 4500 helmet?

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I did a search but couldn't find much. Anyone here have it and have any pros/cons? I currently use a 4000, which looks to me to basically be the same thing but my 4000 has some cracks so I want to upgrade.

Any opinions would be great, thanks!

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If you like your 4000 then you'll like the 4500 because its basically the same thing other than the added nike swoosh. For the record I love mine. I upgraded from a piece of crap tour helmet.

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It is basically the same helmet but with some slight changes that SHOULD (I hope) prevent cracking around the screw areas.

Yeah, I noticed how near the ears the plastic is reinforced a bit. I wonder if anyone's had any cracks yet.

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