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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing JOFA 6090 Shins w/RBK8Ks

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I've got the 6k's and love them. Super light and very protective.

With ppl who speak highly of the 6K, which there are quite a bit, which version pad do you have? what is the coloration of them? any pix?

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Sorry, no pics -- but my 6K shins are white with the blue and grey trim... Kind of the same colourway as the 7K Pro and 8K Pro elbow pads that have been getting a lot of discussion on here lately. I think they were the first gereration of 6K pads (after Reebok bought Jofa). The next generation 6K were white with grey and yellow trim.

I absolutely love these shinpads except for one thing... They are extremely protective, they're light, and the venting system in them actually works. You can feel a bit of cool air against your legs from the holes that are in the shin area. The problem for me is the short stubby pad flap at the top of the knee cup. Mine tend to get caught up with the bottom of my pants. I know a lot of people just cut those flaps off -- whether they're the big ones like on the 7K and 9K or the stubby ones that are like my 6K and the 4K, but I don't want to do that...

Since I'm on that topic anyway, I might as well ask here again... If there is anyone who has cut the top flaps off of their shin shin pads, would you please be willing to mail them to me? I'd like to try and sew the longer flaps on to the tops of my 6K shin pads. Please reply or send me a PM if you think you can help me out -- especially if you have the flaps from a pair of RBK pads! If I get a set of extra pad flaps to do surgery with, I'll post the results in the gear modifications thread.



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I got the 6k over the 8k and 9k, i love them and i think i went with the right choice. Never played with the 8k though.

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