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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new hyper trinitys?

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i get what your saying,im not going to knock the wheels until i get a chance to try them,i dont order wheels online because i like to see the wheels im buying to make sure there are no air bubbles close to the top so they dont ware and chunk,i will wait for them to come to my lhs, until then i was just wondering if anyone was useing these wheels.its always good to have wheel companies makeing better products for the game,thats what research and developement are for.... to keep pushing for the best.

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I had read the descriptions on Epuck already, just not sure if the "wrinkle" is enough to stave off litigation. If Hyper can't move forward with this design I think they might really be sunk in hockey since they've not been up to par with the other three big companies for some time now. If Rink Rat has a valid legal claim here, Hyper could have hung themselves trying this

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ive been skating on the new hyper saturn dual pour wheels with the same flex technology that the trinitys have and they look more like a labeda dynasty in design than any rinkrat wheel. they r grippier than anything ive ever skated on before,feel sort of soft like a rinkrat wheel though.

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ePuck and Inline Warehouse are both listing the Hyper Saturns and Formula G's with the evil flex groove design (in addition to the previously listed Trinities). BTW, there's also a new look to the outdoor 250 wheels... probably like the 20th graphic variant done by them.

I know its been said before but god I love the shameless hyperbole in the ePuck "reviews". Such as: "Everyone was excited to drop a set of Saturn Flex wheels onto their skates and see what a difference the flex groove and Urethanium would make. In short, our testers went crazy over the Saturn Flex. It felt grippier in turns and had a more stable, confident feel on stops. It was a difference that everyone felt immediately. Hyper is back - better than ever with the new Flex series wheels!"

Wow! I can't wait to see what sort of banter they have to dream up trying to write something positive about the lame NikeBauer retread inlines they just dumped on the market. Is it strange that I look forward to that sort of crap?

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i have been skating on the saturns for about 6 weeks now and they r still holding up well. last week i got the new trinitys 76a green/black and i like these even better. i only play 2-3 times a week though and im not tough on wheels im more of a smooth skater.i would recommend the new saturn or trinitys but for the money i would get hyper formula g era wheels i love those wheels.


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but for the money i would get hyper formula g era wheels i love those wheels.


oh now you KNOW this guy works for hyper! <_< .... :rolleyes:

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