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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ESPN Football

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I haven't played ESPN football, mostly because I don't have any game systems other than a PC (in my opinion no one needs anything other than a pc :) ) Even if I did own a Xbox or PS2 I am pretty sure that I would stick with Madden because the Madden games have been really good lately.

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A buddy of mine (who was a big Madden fan) has ESPN 2004 & said it is just as good and possibly better than Madden. I'm going to have to borrow it now & try it. I have NFL 2K3 & it's good, but not a good as Madden.

$20 is a great deal, hopefully EA will lower the price of Madden. If not, this may be the year I switch to ESPN.

Forgot to mention... We both use PS2s (if that matters).

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