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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf skates

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I need to buy new skates because my bauer 8090 is getting too small for me. I wish to have another pair but bauer nike doesn't make those as everyone here know. One of my local pro shop carries a lot of Graf skates. I have no idea which one is considered the top or low (ex. difference of level, bauer xxx and xiv). Has anyone tried or currently have it?

EDT: I know it has already been tons of time posted about Graf skates. But I need to know more about this specific area.

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Gx and Gx ultra are tops.

7xx are also top notch, the G series just has different materials, mostly synthetics.

6xx and 5xx are lower models.

the numbers following the first number(series) denote the fit/function of each boot. check out the graf website for info on how each skate fits, or btter yet, speak to the staff at your LHS. If they don't seem as knowledgeable about them as you'd like, try them all and see what works best.

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Though I'd ask here instead of starting a new thread:

I have a pair of Easton Z-Air Comps in EE that are too narrow at the mid-foot point, as well as having a toe-cap that is too narrow (getting blisters on my toe)

Which Graf skates sond the right shape?


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