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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tinted Options for Full Face Combos

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Hello, I was trying to use the search function but couldn't find any posts that contained all the words at once, it was either on full combos or tinted visors.

Anyway, my question is, are is there any full face combos (cage/visor) available that are tinted? Or are you able to put a tinted visor into any of the available full face combos made by itech or oakley? For example, being able to put an Oakley Pro Aviator on the Oakley Full Face combo? Or a Prowave into an FX50?

My eyes are sometimes really sensitive to the lights but I don't wanna sacrifice teeth for the tint.

Any suggestions would be helpful

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None are available, modifying a tinted visor would be dificult at best. Your best option would be with the Oakleys, I don;t see any way to mangle the Itechs into place. Obvviously, it wouldn't be permitted in any USAH or HC youth hockey games either.

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you could allways take a clear visor into a window tinting place.

I'am sure they could find a tint that would suit your needs and it would probably work pretty good.

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Yeah, I'm aware the modified way would not be permitted in leagues that sanction helmets/cages, which is okay.

Only other real alternative I can think of is to wear lightly tinted sunglasses under the helmet but then looking through, not 1, but 2 lenses, and then the fogging possibilities, a lot of things could distort my vision and make it even worse than just the lighting.

But either way maybe I could fit a Pro Aviator on the Oakley Combo I currently have, just wanna know if it is possible before I go dropping money on it to find out it was entirely impossible.

If it at least comes close to fitting I wouldn't feel so bad and I could just use the visor on another helmet to use for the outdoor RH rink when it gets really sunny outside.

Window tinting: Would that kill the anti-fog coating? and could that distort the "optical dynamics" of the visor?

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I wear glasses (yes when I play, stop laughing at me) and I have fogging issues even with a cage. they were much worse with my half visor, however. Between fog and the thought of losing a few teeth, I ditched the visor and just use the full cage now.

If you're going to try the shades thing, I'd go with a full cage over the combo to keep fogging at a minimum.

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will adding car tints to ur visor illegal?


Tinting your visor is not permitted under HC or USAH rules.

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I wanted something like that...but I wound up wearing my glasses with tinted lenses. It's probably no darker than the transition lenses, liking what it does with my vision and wear them full time essentially. Fogging hasn't been an issue unless we played at the crappy rink on a hot day.

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