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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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making RBK helmet one solid color....

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anyone know how i can get the silver pieces on the RBK helmets to match the color of the helmet....my coach wont let me wear it bc its not all one solid color so if anyone has any suggestions as to how to get the silver pieces a different color they would be greatly appreciated. i know the pros put colored inserts into theirs to make them all the same color but i dont know where to get them. i was thinking some sort of paint?

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You can screw the helmet apart and spray pain the silver parts, works like a charm appearantly.

There's a topic somewhere on here, regarding this procedure.

OBS. It voids warranty.

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Took the foam out of mine, then masked off every thing besides the composite pieces.

Then spray painted the pieces , let them dry. Then assembled the helmet back together. Then after about a season, I wanted them silver again so I used paint thinner and the paint came right off and now my helmet is back to the way I got it originally.

Or you could try colored hockey/electrical/duct tape.

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