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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skating Muscles

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Working on your core will definitely help. The majority of your shots should get a little extra oomph behind them if you work in some core rotation, and your overall skating stability should improve. As for power, I'd agree with the post above that quads and hamstrings are probably good.

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Legs, abs, and back. In that order.

edit- for your legs-squats, dead lifts, lunges, and calf raises are what you want.

abs- do more then you think you need to. part of my workout is 4 sets of suspended sit ups with a 45 held to my chin.

Back- Chin ups are great and ultra simple

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Legs, abs, and back. In that order.

edit- for your legs-squats, dead lifts, lunges, and calf raises are what you want.

abs- do more then you think you need to. part of my workout is 4 sets of suspended sit ups with a 45 held to my chin.

Back- Chin ups are great and ultra simple

I agree with Willy on the weights, but I would also add Kangaroo Hops for explosive power, as well as side-to-side hops for agility.

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Muscles used are:

Quads for general skate speed and balance.

Hamstrings for balance and skate speed.

Groin for extra power behind the leg extend.

Calf for more power after leg extend.

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Legs yes. But you can't also forget the importance of your core - back and abs. A strong core is pretty central to balance, agility and strength.

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And here we have the 150th MSH thread about work out tips.

Why do you care??Go to the next thread this doesnt concern you then.I asked a question and i dont care if you like it or not.

Thanks for the help guys. :D

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lets not start a war here. if you havent noticed about 80% of torhs posts are only witty remarks. never contributing to the discussion at hand.

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What muscles are used for skating as well a shooting.I want to pump some iron at the gym but i don't know what muscle to focus on.Thanks for the help.

how long have you been playing hockey? If not long go out skate real hard for a long time...the muscles that hurt the next day are the ones you need to work on...LOL

Start from the ground up, legs core, upper body and don't forget the neck. you use everything in hockey. A good workout program should cover all the muscles.

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