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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Size Info On Mission skates

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What are the guidelines for fitting mission skates like the fuel line? I wear a 7.5 in Graf 705 so what would be close to that in missions? Im not looking for an exact fit im just looking to get close.

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What are the guidelines for fitting mission skates like the fuel line? I wear a 7.5 in Graf 705 so what would be close to that in missions? Im not looking for an exact fit im just looking to get close.

You'll never know until you try them on. But, my Missions are fitting about 1 size larger than Grafs - ie. 8 Graf = 9 Mission. But, like I say, you have to try them on to know for sure.

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Do a search as there has been a lot of discussion on this.

Personally, I find that they fit the same as your shoe size but many will say they fit 1/2 size smaller.

I wear a size 11.5 in athletic shoes. I had a pair of Amp 3 skates in 11.5D and they fit fine with a little room. I have upgraded to a pair of S400 skates in 11.5D and they fit a little tighter. My big toe lightly touches the inside of the toe cap.

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As you can see by looking at the various responses, asking for sizing help online is pretty much useless.

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