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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have been getting my skates shrarpend at the same lhs for a while and have been satisfied. I now have Vector 10 and the steel is a little longer than my old pair of skates. It seems that when they sharpen them towards the end of the toes one edge is higher than the other. Different people sharpening same results. Why is this?

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Doesn't make sense. If they did a good job on your old skates, should be the same on longer steel skates. The length of the steel means nothing. If the machine is set up correctly the toe edges should be just as level as the rest of the skate.

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I have been getting my skates shrarpend at the same lhs for a while and have been satisfied. I now have Vector 10 and the steel is a little longer than my old pair of skates. It seems that when they sharpen them towards the end of the toes one edge is higher than the other. Different people sharpening same results. Why is this?

Pretty simple actually the blade is bent or the blade is not mounted properly. there must either have a small bend near the heel or toe or near the heel or toe the holder has a hole misdrilled and pulling it one way or another and not keeping it straight.

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I cannot believe this was posted yesterday , as I *just* today found out that the sharpenings I have been doing are *slightly* off at the toe (about 3 degrees). It doesn't make much sense to me though, as the heel is not off - just the toe. I checked multiple skates and they all exhibit the same problem, so I'm assuming my skate holder is off. Interesting!

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I cannot believe this was posted yesterday , as I *just* today found out that the sharpenings I have been doing are *slightly* off at the toe (about 3 degrees). It doesn't make much sense to me though, as the heel is not off - just the toe. I checked multiple skates and they all exhibit the same problem, so I'm assuming my skate holder is off. Interesting!

To find out if your holder is off you can flip the skate and sharpen it, if the heel is now off, bingo!

If the machine is not set properly, uneven edges can happen. Bent steel is also a possibility but rarely is it just bent way up front at the toe. Another I've seen is that the steel thickness is different, e.g., 2.9 mm on the blade and 3.2 up front. If your machine is set for 2.9 blade width, you will be off at the thicker area. Also, be careful when clamping in the perferrated blades, depending on your skate holders type clamp it may clamp in at a angle.

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after the tips you guys gave me I took a straight edge and held it along the side of the blade. The blead has a difinite banana shape to it the heel and toe part of the blade would touch the straight edge and the middle would not, flip the straight edge to other side and the middle of the blade woud touch but not the heel and tp part of the blade. This is on both skates. I really noticed the uneven edge when I do backwards cross overs. To my untrained eye I think its just that the blades are bent. No harm I will get my lhs that I purchased them from to take a look and get it fixed.

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So I went and re-adjusted my holder. Now, there is a 0.05" difference (extremely small) across the edges of the holder. I didn't calculate the angle, but it has got to be small. I don't even know how I could adjust it any better, except maybe by luck. After sharpening a pair of straight blade (tested) skates, there is still a difference at the front of the skate. There must be something else I'm doing wrong. I'm calling Wissota.

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