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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Razor Bladz II Specifications

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I won some skates a while ago on eBay for $140 USD a while ago, and they haven't be sharpened yet.

However, I did decide to skate on them at a public skate session once.

They were a bit slick, but I liked the pitch of the skate. Now I don't know much about sharpening radius/hollow, etc, but I'll just take whatever the closest sharpener gives me.

I'm wondering about the Easton steel. Is it any good? I really wanted some Pitch holders, but I can't find any at the moment.

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I actually really liked the easton holders for the short time I used them. Only thing is due to that cut out on the steel they tend to chatter a bit on stops.

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I won some skates a while ago on eBay for $140 USD a while ago, and they haven't be sharpened yet.

However, I did decide to skate on them at a public skate session once.

They were a bit slick, but I liked the pitch of the skate. Now I don't know much about sharpening radius/hollow, etc, but I'll just take whatever the closest sharpener gives me.

I'm wondering about the Easton steel. Is it any good? I really wanted some Pitch holders, but I can't find any at the moment.

Why not keep the Eastons? You said you like the pitch, so why change? Switching to Pitch holders/steel wont really do anything except lighten your wallet to the tune of $120 or more. Nothing wrong with the Easton steel. It does tend to rust easy but if you take care of it, you will have no problems. Granted the Mission steel is excellent for edge retention, but I see no real reason for you to switch.

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