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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Morrow named Stars Captain

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Did I miss why they're taking it away from Modano? It seems weird that they would do that, especially to their franchise player unless there was a serious issue. Regardless, Morrow is a stud and he'll be a good captain.

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One of the more underrated players in the league and he deserves to be the face of the franchise. My only concern, because I have liked him as a player for over four years now, is that he takes over in the year the team will fall in the division and sneak into the playoffs, if they make it at all.

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Morrow did seem like a good leader on the bench(sat literally NEXT to their bench(in between the coyotes and stars benches).

Morrow is a HILARIOUS guy too.

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