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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New sticks out of stock?

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Hi, I broke my stick and needed for new one. So, I went to couple of LHS around my area. I was looking for TPS Adrenaline or Bauer 30 Lite but any of LHS had those!! I'm confused. They even said that they didn't know what would it shipped. Okay, I understand for the TPS Adrenaline line because TPS still thinks whether they continue the line or not. But what's going on with Bauer Nike XXX Lites?

Anyone knows what the heck is going on?

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Um...I'm going to attempt to decipher this post.

You went to the stores and they were out of Adrenalines and XXX Lites.

And you can't figure out why? Here's a thought...they sold out of them.

It is up to the stores whether or not they want to reorder.

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Hi, I broke my stick and needed for new one. So, I went to couple of LHS around my area. I was looking for TPS Adrenaline or Bauer 30 Lite but any of LHS had those!! I'm confused. They even said that they didn't know what would it shipped. Okay, I understand for the TPS Adrenaline line because TPS still thinks whether they continue the line or not. But what's going on with Bauer Nike XXX Lites?

Anyone knows what the heck is going on?

Sounds like your LHS had reorders on backorder and the vendors could not tell them when they would be shipped. Nothing out of the ordinary. The warehouse is empty and the boat from China has not arrived.

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Hi, I broke my stick and needed for new one. So, I went to couple of LHS around my area. I was looking for TPS Adrenaline or Bauer 30 Lite but any of LHS had those!! I'm confused. They even said that they didn't know what would it shipped. Okay, I understand for the TPS Adrenaline line because TPS still thinks whether they continue the line or not. But what's going on with Bauer Nike XXX Lites? 

Anyone knows what the heck is going on?

Sounds like your LHS had reorders on backorder and the vendors could not tell them when they would be shipped. Nothing out of the ordinary. The warehouse is empty and the boat from China has not arrived.

Don't worry, I'm sure they have the children working overtime

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