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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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My 8090s have finally given out and im looking to bump up to the One90s. Are the one90s the next step up from the 8090s or are they totally different fits?

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What is the One90 similar to then? And thank you by the way JR for the quick reply.

its in a completely different category, no other skate like it

basically it fits like your foot.

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What is the One90 similar to then? And thank you by the way JR for the quick reply.

its in a completely different category, no other skate like it

basically it fits like your foot.

May sound igorant, but then the ONE90 should be comparable to the 8090. Cause in my situation, the 8090 fits very well to my foot and if the ONE90 fits my foot, i should be covered.

And, what other skate is similar to the 8090 besides the ONE70? Im talking about "top notch" skates. Maybe Nikes? Or when i decided to go with the 8090 the 1300C fit was also comfortable but i went with the 8090 because of the known ankle probs of the 1300Cs. Did they fix that with the 1500c and kept the fit?

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The One90 and the 8090 have different lasts.

The One90 is a narrow last, whereas the 8090 is a wider last.

The One90 would be closer to a 8000 last than a 8090.

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