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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Jerseys

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I am in Kansas City, KS and I have been tasked with finding my team some new jerseys in the next few weeks.

I was hoping you guys might have some sites you could recommend that offer decent prices and could have them to me in 2-3 weeks.

Also wondering if you know who would make dye sublimation jersey's in the US and if the company offers goal cut that would be awesome as well. I am not limiting my choices to this, but would be interested in exploring it.

Thanks all,


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OT Sports did the MSH jerseys and they offer a pretty wide range of options at good prices. Though, I'm not sure anyone will be able to do custom sublimated jerseys in 2-3 weeks.

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They have pre-made Jersey sets for teams. Our team is currently waiting on some custom made old school Bruins Jerseys. I think we were told 3-6 weeks.

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I am in Kansas City, KS and I have been tasked with finding my team some new jerseys in the next few weeks.

I was hoping you guys might have some sites you could recommend that offer decent prices and could have them to me in 2-3 weeks.

Also wondering if you know who would make dye sublimation jersey's in the US and if the company offers goal cut that would be awesome as well. I am not limiting my choices to this, but would be interested in exploring it.

Thanks all,


ScubaFrogman is another Kansas Citian so ask him if his team got their jerseys locally. I am a transplant myself, but try Either Nill Bros. Sports in Overland Park,Ks. off 119th st. or Pepsi Midwest ice rink off Shawnee Mission Pkwy. at the George Brett Sports Complex. If neither of those would work try icejerseys.com.

TO OTHER POSTERS: Kansas City does not have a local shop except for the Very dinky pro shops, so he more than likely will need our help for this info.

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My teams always get our jersys from Quadra Sportswear. WWW.quadrasportswear.com Very reasonable prices with lettering and logos are done in house so they do not charge any crazy fees.

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Thanks for the responses...

Yea I actually play at Pepsi.

The issue is, they changed league directors.. the other one cancelled our jersey order so the season has started and I have to place one fresh. The team expects to be around for a bit though so its not a huge deal. I have looked at Quadra and Pro Joy. Both seem pretty nice.

My old team had our jerseys numbered at Nill Bro's... they did the numbers upside down.

Thanks for the feedback. Will check back soon.


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