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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fear of Composite sticks

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UL's are $349, if I broke that I don't know what I'd do....lol. Ok hear is a list of sticks which I can afford from my LHS:


- Bauer Vapor V $239

- Bauer Truflex $249

- Bauer Vapor VI $269

- CCM Vector 100 $299

- Easton One $299

- Mission M1 $299

- RBK 4K


- Bauer Vapor V $149

- Bauer Vapor VII $199

- Bauer Vapor X $279

- CCM V100 $279

- CCM V110 $299

- Easton Typhoon $170

- Easton Cyclone $170

- RBK 5K snake grip $199

Whoa, I am glad I got that done. So that is what I can get.

So out straight, which is stronger, wood or comp?

For the price of some of those sticks I could just get 3 Z-carbon woodies and use them.



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JESUS!!!!! I feel bad for you. A truflex for 250. Zcarbons for 99?? Try hattricks-hockey.com new ultra-lite for 40 bucks but im not sure if they'll ship id check though

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UL's are $349, if I broke that I don't know what I'd do....lol. Ok hear is a list of sticks which I can afford from my LHS:


- Bauer Vapor V  $239

- Bauer Truflex $249

- Bauer Vapor VI $269

- CCM Vector 100 $299

- Easton One $299

- Mission M1 $299

- RBK 4K


- Bauer Vapor V $149

- Bauer Vapor VII $199

- Bauer Vapor X $279

- CCM V100 $279

- CCM V110 $299

- Easton Typhoon $170

- Easton Cyclone $170

- RBK 5K snake grip $199

Whoa, I am glad I got that done. So that is what I can get.

So out straight, which is stronger, wood or comp?

For the price of some of those sticks I could just get 3 Z-carbon woodies and use them.



From that list, get the Vapor X. Cyclones aren;t bad if guys don't slash a lot. If I ever get a week off, I'll fly down and bring you guys some decent stuff.

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Wouldnt he want to go with the m-1? its 20.00 more and its an entire combo

For those prices I wouldn't touch an OPS, not that US prices are that much cheaper anymore. At least with shafts you can swap out blades without resorting to a hacksaw. The X is the best value on the list to me. It has much better performance than the other shafts listed and is better than a couple of the OPS as well.

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